What You Can Do to Get Your Hair Back

Dealing with hair loss can be a traumatic experience. If you’re worried that you’re experiencing hair loss or alopecia and want to stimulate hair growth, here’s what you need to know.

What to Know About Hair Loss

What Causes Hair Loss?

Before you consider your treatment options for hair loss, it’s important to understand what’s causing it. While the top cause of hair loss — specifically male- and female-pattern baldness — is genetic in nature, there are plenty of other hair loss causes. A few of the most common causes of hair loss include alopecia areata, childbirth, some medications, chronic illness, and excessive stress. As you may have noticed, your hair loss can have any number of root causes ranging from autoimmune disorders to extreme levels of stress. How do you know if you’re experiencing hair loss? The first step is to pay attention to your hair. If you notice hair falling out in clumps when you brush it or wash it, it could be time to visit your dermatologist for diagnosis and a treatment plan. Let’s review a few of the treatments they may recommend.

Topical Minoxidil

Fortunately, not all hair loss treatments require medical treatment. If your hair loss is minor or you’re experiencing hair thinning, it’s possible that your dermatologist will recommend an over-the-counter topical minoxidil product. They may also recommend a prescription-strength version, but over-the-counter products include Rogaine and other creams or foams you can typically find at the pharmacy. Most of these products make the claim that, when applied daily to the scalp, they can help stimulate hair follicles and push more hair into the growth phase. Fortunately, there have been independent studies that have confirmed topical minoxidil can help increase hair growth. If you’re still skeptical, it’s a good idea to consult with your dermatologist.

Laser or Light Therapy

Phototherapy is one of the most popular cosmetic dermatology services when it comes to resolving cosmetic issues. It’s also completely non-invasive. An over-the-counter version of this treatment may come in the form of a comb, cap, or headband-like device. And as nice as it might be to see an over-the-counter treatment, it’s best to leave this type of hair loss treatment to your dermatologist to perform. Laser therapy for hair growth is definitely a commitment, and trusting your dermatologist will get you the results you’re after. Working with your doctor can lead you to a legitimate medical laser therapy that could help stimulate hair growth much more effectively.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) can be used for all kinds of cosmetic and medical applications. In fact, PRP is commonly used in facial injections during microneedling treatments to help create a younger-looking complexion. When used as a hair loss treatment, PRP is taken from the patient’s own blood and then injected into the scalp where hair loss is the most severe. In the majority of cases, monthly PRP scalp injections have been proven to help stimulate hair growth and even increase hair density within six months.

Contact Us!

Hair loss can be devastating, which means finding the right treatment is paramount. If you want to learn more about your hair loss treatment options, set up your consultation with Eastside Dermatology today.

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