What Is a Cyst and How We Can Help You Manage Them

Is there a bump on your skin that you can’t quite identify? You could have a cyst that needs treatment. But what is a cyst and how can you treat it? Here’s what you need to know.

How to Identify and Treat Cysts

What Is a Cyst?

First, it’s important to understand what exactly a cyst is and how they form. Cysts are a fairly common occurrence, especially on the skin. A cyst is typically defined as a closed sac with a defined membrane that contains fluid, air, or semi-solid materials. Cysts can form for any number of reasons. As such, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to the development of a cyst, including acne. Cystic acne is a form of cyst development on the skin. These cysts are most often sebaceous cysts. Some other common causes of cyst development include infection, skin trauma, and even hormonal imbalances within the body. In some cases, it’s also possible for genetic predisposition to contribute to the development of cysts on the skin. Fortunately, the majority of skin cysts are benign and won’t cause any harm to your physical health. That being said, it’s quite common to undergo a biopsy to test whether or not a cyst is cancerous or precancerous. The more you know about your particular cyst, the better your knowledge of treatment options will be. Let’s take a look at some of the ways our team can help you if you’re dealing with a cyst.


In some cases, draining the cyst will be the best treatment option. You’ll need to see a dermatologist for this procedure, and you may need some stitches afterward, depending on the size and nature of the cyst you’re having drained. During this treatment procedure, your dermatologist will cut into the cyst and proceed to drain all of the fluid or solid matter inside. If your cyst is smaller, it’s also possible to use a needle or catheter to drain it. While this treatment option is effective at eliminating bumps from your skin, it’s possible for cysts to form again after being drained.

Surgical Removal

While this is a minor surgery, cyst removal is still a serious business. During a cyst removal surgery, your doctor will remove the entire cyst wall. In most cases, this will be done without rupturing the cyst wall to prevent any of the cyst’s contents from escaping. While this treatment method may require a little bit more recovery time, it’s typically quite effective at making sure cysts do not reform. If you’ve had a cyst drained before and it keeps coming back, you may want to explore your surgical cyst removal options.

Medicinal Injections

In some cases when cysts are swollen or growing, you may receive an injection of medicine directly into your cyst. The purpose of this treatment is to help reduce swelling and tenderness in and around your cyst. Once your cyst is no longer inflamed, it’s possible to explore other treatment options for drainage or removal.

When you’re suffering from cysts, it can feel like there’s no solution. Fortunately, that’s not the case. If you want to know your cyst treatment options, contact our team at Eastside Dermatology today.

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